Re-entry Retreat

In October, Clear Creek hosted a re-entry retreat for four families (the Feisleys, Hardins, Mitchells, and Taylors) who have recently returned from long-term work in Asia. The weekend was led by Dottie Schultz, Mark and Jill Brazle from Mission Resource Network  (MRN). The retreat represents one more way that Clear Creek partners with and cares for our missionaries.

After spending years overseas building God’s kingdom, living, working, raising children, and making friends it is common for missionaries to encounter difficulties when they decide to move “home.” During their time together, missionary families were able to share about their time overseas and talk freely about the struggle to re-adapt to life in the US. Dedicated times such as this are vital as these families establish themselves in new places and find new ways to continue serving Jesus here in the US.

Clear Creek is thankful for these families who have spent years serving Jesus in other countries and we are pleased that we can continue to bless them even after they return to the US.

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